Brexit: Breaking News: UK Border Operating Model for Day One

UK leaves the Brexit transition period on 31 December.

Yesterday UK Government presented the first version of the post-Brexit Border Operating model for Day One, January 1st 2021.

UK-EU negotiations between the two parties will intensify in July to reach a Free Trade Agreement and agreements on fiture relations.

A first version of an UK implementation plan revealed (for January-June).

”Companies will still have to prepare customs declarations and keep records from January 2021, however with simplified measures and deferred payment to at latest end of June”

According to the proposal companies will still have to prepare customs declarations and keep records from January 2021, however with simplified measures and deferred payment to at latest end of June.

Exports and import of controlled goods need full border procedures from day one.

The procedures for goods with animal origin changes from april.

Full border formalities for all goods will apply from July 2021.

The plan to be discussed with UK business over the next weeks to come.

Please note that these are proposals that now will be discussed and decided in early July. We are also talking about temporary routines to help business get in order for the ordinary new border formalties and processes.

It means that now is the time for business to finalize all preparations. DO NOT WAIT any longer with your preaprations.