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Today I was in the Parliament Building in Westminister,invited to give testimony about potential post-Brexit customs and border solutions to the House Of Lords EU External Affairs Sub-Committee.

The hearing was broadcasted by

It was an interesting hearing with good discussions and relevant questions from the Commiittee Members from the House of Lords. All documented in public.

Here with fellow panelist Stephen Adams.

The work on Customs, Border and Trade solutions is very much in the center of the Brexit negotiations right now.

There is now also a discusion about the entire scope of the border issue, includkng all borders whichbis good. In addition it is not only the revenue related matters that are on the table but also a necessary debate on other border procedures related to non-tariff barriers.

We know from international studies that non-tariff barriers in most cases are more expensive for traders than the duties and taxes involved in international trade. This needs to be solved for all options presently discussed.

Finally – a message for media

To media, I want to say the following. I will not give any comments on my testimony to the House of Lords.

After the presentation to the European Parliament, in November 2017, I did approximately fifty interviews for media.

I have during the last two months recieved more than one hundred additional requests for interviews, TV programmes, radio or to make comments. This is flattering and I am grateful for the interest. I thank you for contacting me.

However, after my testimony to the House of Commons, Exiting the European Union Committee in March – I decided not to do more media interviews.

What I had to say regarding my SmartBorder 2.0 report, and proposals in it, is available in the public domain.

I am always willing to support stakeholders involved in the search for good solutions in the field I have worked in the last 35 years, but I will not enter the political debate. Others do this better.

I am a technical expert and I will – if asked – continue to give advice to those involved in the development of the post-Brexit environment. The advice will be given directly to those concerned.

Thank you for your understanding.