The fight we need to take every day

Democracy. Humanity. Empathy. Freedom.

I was born and live in one of the best cpuntroes on the world, however you measure.

Sweden is ranked on top of every existing index for all the good things we all treasure.

100 years ago we were poor. 150 years ago, on third of the population had to emmigrate to America due to poverty and hunger.

Today we use 1.2% of our GDP to foreign aid and different kinds of development support. The UN goal is to spend 0.6% of GDP, only a handful countries in the world meet this requirement. We recieved more refugees per capita the last three years, than anybody else. Equality and diversity numbers are top class and the income gap between higest and lowest paid workers is the smallest in the world.

We are a strong democracy.

90% of the people vote – on voluntary basis – in national parliament elections.

Government is trusted by plus 90% of citizens and collect plus 98% of the potential taxes (that by the way are among the highest invthe world). Healthcare, dentist care, education is free.

Still. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Democracy is not to be taken for granted. Democracy is never to be taken for granted.

The fight for democracy needs to be fought every day, every minute and every second.

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is something we all need to do, always. Stand up. Speak up. Take a stand. Defend the weak. You have a voice.

Never ever become silent. In Sweden and everywhere.

Walking the talk.