Single Government AEO Status

This week I am in Brasilia working on AEO Brazil Phase III, Integrated AEO – crating a Single Government AEO Status. Exiting work.

The pilot is done with Receita Federal (Customs), MAPA/Vigiagro (Agriculture) and ANVISA (Health), making reality of the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards Pillar III: Customs to other Government Agency Cooperation. Together with Allianca Procomex we work as the international consultant and advisor in the design, development and implementation of this pioneer project, that is also fully linked to the new Brazilian Single Window. 

Today we had a very good seminar and workshop with the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA). They have made an impressive progress since our last project meeting. During the seminar with top management we discussed the design of the integrated AEO process and the development of AEO Agriculture part of the single starus process.
The Secretary participated and gave his strong support for the project.

Agriculture will become the first agency signing up for the Single Government AEO Status, adding their criteria and benefits to the programme, meaning that if you have the AEO Status you are acknowledged of both agencies, using a single common application/validation/certification process.

The new model will create the best AEO benefit programme in the world. 

This is paramount groundbreaking developments for the AEO instrument. It is exiting to see the progress made by colleagues in Brazilian Government. 

We had a great seminar in Brasilia with involved agencies and we are making fast progress forward.