AEO Validation WorkShop

This week we have delivered a AEO Validation Training WorkShop in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

We have over the last three years together with Allianca Procomex – helped the Federal Revenue Agency of Brazil (Receita Federal) to design, develop and implement the new AEO programme of Brazil. The programme is since March this year fully operational for both AEO Compliance and AEO Security.

This week we delivered an interactive joint Customs-Private Sector AEO Validation training workshop on international standards and best practices. 

Two of the best AEO Validation Experts in the world, Pim Berkhuizen and Hans Visser – both working in my AEO Team – was in Sao Paulo to share their enormous experience from AEO Validation. 

It was a great event, especially having both AEO Validators from Customs and from the Private Sector in the same room working through a real case study. 

Brazil is using a system with possibilities for companies to request help from third party validators which made this workshop very valuable. 

It was a very good week in Brazil.