Trade Facilitation is the answer

Bill Gain, Global Lead Trade Facilitation, Customs Reform & Border Management at the World Bank has published an excellent article about how trade facilitation plays an important role for financial recovery.

In my mind there is no doubt that Trade Facilitation is one of most important instruments for financial post-Covid 19 recovery, but also to create trade inclusiveness.Trade facilitation measures could play a key role in helping countries to build back better and be more resilient for future emergencies.

Lines of trucks, often hundreds of vehicles long, were a frequent sight at many border crossings at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarantining of containers at sea ports and increased delays for restricted goods, including medicine and personal protective equipment, were also common occurrences. Reforms aimed at overcoming these logistical barriers have helped many countries support trade flows. Further trade facilitation measures – the simplification, modernization and harmonization of export and import oricesses – could play a key role inbhelping countries to juild back better and be more resilient for future emergencies.

Read the entire article here: