Stunning Train Station Being Built in Mexico Uses Mayan Design to Bring Sea Air in and Keep Rain Out

The ancient Maya civilization was enshrining its legacy in stone more than a thousand years ago, and the ingenious designs from that time are being utilized in fresh ways today.

On a 950-mile (1,525 -kilometer) Mexican railway line, a new station to service the Yucatán town of Tulum is being built using techniques right out of the ancient Maya playbook.

The gigantic roof regulates heat and light, drawing on ancient Mayan

The Mexican-English architecture studio Aidia commissioned for the project came up with a giant sloping eyeball-shaped train roof, and a platform with a lattice-work ceiling that lets air in but keeps rain out, inspired by Mayan building methods.

A perforated roof of structured steel and fiber glass-reinforced concrete panels will line a geometric grid. It’ll be glazed in some places and fitted with polished hardwoods in the interior.

The climate in the Yucatan peninsula is tropical with rain and high humidity in the summer, to deal with this extreme weather, we envisaged a large open lattice roof, glazed in strategic locations, enabling public semi-open spaces that function without mechanical ventilation,

An amazing project.