European Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said on Monday that the European Union (EU) and Mercosur – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay – were very close to a trade agreement whereas the negotiations appeared to have stalled.

“We are very close to a deal,” the Swedish commissioner said in response to questions on the state of the talks at a conference with Bulgarian citizens in Sofia. “I think the pending problems can be settled, but I cannot give you a date,” she added. She also said the prospect of elections in Brazil was increasing the pressure.

EU-Mercosur discussions aimed at finalizing a free-trade agreement resumed last week in Asuncion and continue this week in the Paraguayan capital. Malmström said the two sides were identifying the remaining difficulties and had have made gigantic progress. One of the questions still under discussion was car imports, a key issue for the EU.

According to a European source, Brazil would agree to a significant reduction in customs tariffs on European cars provided a significant portion of their parts is manufactured in Mercosur, but this is not acceptable to the Europeans.

Ms. Malmström added that, as in all trade negotiations, there were agricultural issues to resolve.

France, Ireland and Belgium are the EU countries most worried about the potential negative effect of an agreement on their farm sector, mainly because of beef imports from Mercosur.

“BREXIT smart borders could provide Britain with “the most advanced customs system in the world”, giving the nation “an extra advantage” in trade – an EU funded expert has revealed”.

I was interviewed by The Telegraph about my report to EU Parliament late last November on SmartBorders 2.0 as solution to Brexit Customs and Border challenges caused by consequences from the Brexit decision. Also The Express and other media have published the article.

This solution would do one of the things both parties are interested in and that is make it possible to increase trade.

In the article I argue that IF a smart modern state-of-the-art border solution is designed, developed and implemented on ALL UK border (thus also the EU border) it could in fact prove to become a trade advantage for the future in relation to other trade partners.

smart “It could be the most advanced customs system in the world, taking the maximum international standards and best practice, which would give an extra advantage.

You can read the entire article here:

Britain will have ‘extra advantage’ with smart borders AFTER Brexit

Number 10. Manchester United. Soon he is back. Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

He has been back in practice two weeks with the team after his knee injury.

Manchester United is second in Premiere League after beating Chelsea 2-1 on Sunday. The following week United will play Sevilla at home in the second leg of Champions League last 32. When will Ibra do his come back? Not sure, but soon.