Today is exactly 50 years since the EU Customs Union came into force back in 1968. This is the largest and most advanced Customs Union in the world to date.

Borne out of the landmark post-war agreements that paved the way for European integration, the Customs Union opened for budiness in 1968. By abolishing customs tariffs for trade in goods within what is now the EU, the Customs Union marked the first decisive step towards the EU becoming the world’s largest trading bloc, with the 28 customs administrations of the EU acting as though they were one entity.

Over the past 50 years, the Customs Union has developed into a cornerstone of our Single Market, keeping EU borders safe and protecting our citizens from prohibited and dangerous goods such as weapons and drugs. It also facilitates an ever-growing portion of global trade: EU customs handled 16% of the world’s commerce in 2017.

On 1 July 2018, exactly 50 years after the Customs Union was established, the Commission is organising events at airports and schools across the EU to raise awareness of this extraordinary achievement.

In the link below you can see how some people remember some of the biggest milestones in its history.

You can read about the history of the EU Customs Union here: EU Customs Union 50 year birthday

This afternoon we saw an amazing football game in the final 16 round of the World Cup when France beat Argentina.

France took a 1-0 lead after a foul on super talented teenager Kylian Mbappe (19 years old) and Anton Griezmann scored. The Angel De Maria made 1-1 and Argentina also acored 2-1 in the beginning of the second half.

But France was the best team and turmed it aroudn again by scoring another 3 goals to 4-2.

At the end Argentina scored a third goal but it was too late. The best team won after Mbappe scoring two times.

In the evening Uruguay beat Portugal after two goals from Edison Cavani.

So two teams thorough to the remaining eight in the quarter finals today, France and Uruguay.

And two superstars are out….

After London and UK I have been in Brussels during the World Customs Organizarions annual General Assembly, The Council Session.

A lot of colleagues amd friends in town and 172 countries meeting to discuss the future of trade.

Now I am off for China.