An hour to go, then European history changes again.

I feel like it is time for the next step. But it also feels a bit sad.

A lot of water under the bridge. Now we need to move and create a good relationship and partnership for the future. EU and UK, still the heart of Europe – together.

20 years ago, the first AEO programme, called The Stairway, was introduced in Sweden. The Stairway Concept was awarded and nominated for a number of national and international awards and has since then made way for AEO programmes all over the world.

To celebrate the 20 year anniversary, the key people in the project were invited to a lunch at Mr French in Stockholm.

The participants were Leif Pagrotsky, Trade Minister of Sweden at the time, Kjell Jansson, Director General of Swedish Customs at the time, Göran Ekström, Deputy General Director at Swedish Customs at the time, Lars Andrén, Head of Communications at Swedish Customs at the time, Lars Karlsson of KGH, Director of Development at Swedish Customs at the time, Gunbritt Gustavsson, Project leader at Swedish Customs at the time, Patrik Heinesson of KGH, Project leader at Swedish Customs at the time and Vidar Gundersen of KGH, Development Strategist at Swedish Customs at the time.

Today, AEO programmes are implemented in about 100 countries and KGH provides AEO services for both government and businesses.

Read more about our AEO services:

Today I dId a presentation of Customs/Border/Trade in the future 2020-2025 for our KGH Digital team at their conference in Tylösand. Great dialogue. Fun to meet the colleagues.

We live in a digital globalized world. While many other sectors have gone far in digitization and digitalization – global trade has just scratched the surface and the potential for the future is huge.

I am proud and happy that we in KGH are in the forefront paving the way towards a bright the future. We lead the way in our industry with innovative solutions for Govenrnment and trade.