All about maths: Counting votes

It was all about Customs – now it is about mathematics.

Yesterday the EU 27 agreed the new Brexit deal with United Kingdom. A victory for Prine Minister Boris Johnson.

As his former oponent Jeremy Hunt write: “Fair play Boris. Many doubted it was possible to do this before Oct 31st, including me on some occasions – but he has ditched the backstop and brought the deal home. Bravo”.

Boris Johnson has again said: “It is my deal or no deal”.

Now the next game is on. Tomorrow the UK Parliament – House of Commons – will vote for or against the new Withdrawal Agreement.

The former Withdrawal Agreement was presented to the Parliament and voted down three times.

So what about now? Are the enough MPs in favor of a deal? Has Government the numbers?

Now it is about mathematics. The PM needs 320 votes from MPs for his deal to pass. DUP has stated that they (10 votes) will not vote for the proposal. So are the numbers there? In 24 hours we will know. Brexit crunchtime is here.