May: Good Brexit deal will mean end to austerity

it all happened to the soundtrack of ABBAs Dancing Queen. UK PM Theresa May entered the stage at the Tory Cobfernece yesterday for the big speech. SkyNews described it like this.

Ten years after the financial crash, the prime minister said the British people were crying out for light at the end of the tunnel and “our message to them must be this: ‘we get it'”.

Delivering her speech at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, Mrs May said the Tories needed to show voters they were “not just a party to clean up a mess”, but also capable of guiding Britain to a “better future”.

She said: “Sound finances are essential but they are not the limit of our ambition.

“Because you made sacrifices, there are better days ahead.

“So when we’ve secured a good Brexit deal for Britain, at the spending review next year we will set out our approach to the future. Debt as a share of the economy will continue to go down, support for public services will go up.

“Because a decade after the financial crash, people need to know that the austerity it led to is over and that their hard work has paid off.”

In the run-up to the conference, the PM has come under pressure to abandon her Chequers plan for Brexit – but in her speech, Mrs May made clear she was sticking to her guns on Brexit.

“If we stick together and hold our nerve, I know we can get a deal that delivers for Britain,” she said.

Mrs May did not use the word “Chequers” in her speech, but aides insisted this was not intended as a signal that she has moved away from the blueprint agreed by her Cabinet in July.

And while she did not mention Boris Johnson by name, there were two pointed rebukes for her former foreign secretary, who used a high-profile speech at a conference fringe event to criticise her Brexit plan.

First, she said those who want to deliver Brexit “need to come together now”, and warned: “If we don’t – if we all go off in different directions in pursuit of our own visions of the perfect Brexit – we risk ending up with no Brexit at all.”

Here is a link to the entire article: Theresa May: ‘Good’ Brexit deal will mean end to austerity

Source: SkyNews