Today we had a consultative conference in London where we presented the report on Alternative Arrangements for ths Irish border.

Rt Hon Stephen Barclay MP, Secretary of State, Exiting the European Union – delivering the Key Note Address.

RT Hon Greg Hands MP, Co-Chair of the Prosperity UK Alternative Arrangements Commission opening remarks.

RT Hon Nicky Morgan MP, Co-Chair Prosperty UK Alternative Arrangements Commission, making her end-remarks at the successful conference.

A panel on how to make the proposals in the interim report operational.

The Head of the AA Technical Panel, Sjanker Singham, presenting the findings in the report.

I think this a very good interim report showing that it is possible to deliver Alternative Arrangements in a reasonable time.

Today we presented the Alternative Arrangements Commission, Technical Panel, interim report at an excellent consultation conference in London.

Download a copy here and let us have your thoughts.

You can read the report and executive summary her:

AA Interim report

AA Interim report: Executive Summary

Important week ahead. on my way out to London.

I participate at the presentation of Alternative Arrangements in London tomorrow.

Then it is WCO Council Session in (General Assembly) in Brussels. I speak at the Global AEO Conference in Barcelona. And we launch a new Compliance Management Programme SafeZone, that we built for World Free Zone Organization (World FZO) at their congress AICE 2019 also in Barcelona. A busy and exiting week.