A collective call to action to make trade work for all

  • 30 CEOs and Chairpersons from five continents have called on world leaders to re-engage on trade reform.
  • In an open letter, they call for action in 7 key areas.
  • You can read the call to action and the signatories below.

We believe trade and investment support human development and that a global recovery can be built upon a trade recovery. Governments must creatively re-engage on trade reform and refrain from protectionism.

Trade and investment empower people to exchange goods and services, find rewarding employment, enjoy consumer benefits and grow successful businesses. Trade and investment must support development and inclusion.

Through jointly upholding environmental and social standards, trade cooperation should prevent a race to the bottom and avoid harmful distortions to markets for goods and services.

You can read the the entire article here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/09/trade-for-tomorrow-call-to-action-to-make-trade-work-for-all/

Source: WEF